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Simposio Red INVECA e.V : “Cortical Networks: From Animal Models to Humans”

Cuándo: Jueves 15 de Diciembre de 2016

Dónde: Universidad Autónoma de Chile ( Pedro de Valdivia 425, Providencia), Santiago, Chile


The main goal of this event is to explore common interests, ideas, and discuss upcoming objectives of human and animal research in the field of cortical networks, and thus foster the probability to find future collaborations.

This symposium is framed in the continuous effort of the Network of Chilean Scientists in Germany (Red INVECA e.V.) of furthering the scientific collaboration between the scientific communities in Germany and Chile. A cornerstone of INVECA’s activities is to encourage Chilean students to visit laboratories and academic institutions in Germany.

Due to space limitations we would ask you to please register in the following link:

Feel free to encourage your colleagues and students to attend and see you on Thursday!




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